Albemarle Traffic Lawyer

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Albemarle Traffic Attorney

Albemarle Traffic Lawyer

Being pulled over for a traffic violation may not seem like a serious offense. For some, paying the ticket and moving on offers one means of resolving the issue. Multiple ticket violations could lead to more serious legal complications. If you were pulled over for speeding or another traffic violation, you can hire a traffic lawyer to review your case and fight the charges.

Drivers who were given traffic tickets are afforded the same rights and protections as defendants who are charged with more serious infractions. An Albemarle traffic lawyer can take steps to prevent you from paying large fines, facing serious penalties, and having to pay higher insurance premiums.

Why You Should Choose the Law Offices of Huffman & Kendrick

For more than 50 years, the Law Offices of Huffman & Kendrick has provided robust and effective legal representation to clients in Albemarle who were ticketed for traffic violations. We understand how being wrongfully cited for a traffic violation can be very frustrating. Our legal team takes pride in protecting the rights of our clients.

Whether you were cited for driving without a license or lacking car insurance, our traffic ticket lawyer can ensure that you are treated fairly by the justice system and do not face unfair punishments under the law. We understand North Carolina’s traffic laws, and we can put that knowledge and our vast experience to use in your service.

Common Traffic Violations

There is a common misconception that traffic violations do not come with serious consequences. Beyond fines, traffic violations have the potential to affect your ability to drive legally. Moving violations, which occur when a car is in motion, often have more serious penalties than tickets that are issued for parking and similar non-moving infractions.

If you are at fault for causing an accident, you could face certain punishments. The officer who arrives at the scene will likely check everyone involved to make sure they have a license, insurance, and registration.

If you were speeding or engaging in other unlawful driving practices, the officer on the scene may issue you one or more citations for those offenses. The higher your speeds were, the more serious the citation you may receive. You could also receive a ticket for following too closely, not stopping properly at a stop sign, or running a red light.

Another common cause of a traffic ticket includes issues with your license and registration. If your driver’s license is revoked, expired, or suspended, you could face serious penalties. Drivers must register their cars properly as well. All drivers are required to maintain liability insurance. Failing to do so could result in fines and other penalties.

More Serious Traffic Violations

Reckless driving is another cause of legal problems for drivers. Driving aggressively, racing, speeding, and swerving are common driving behaviors that can lead to a reckless driving citation. This is considered much more serious than other violations.

Being found guilty of reckless driving could lead to increases in your car insurance payments because insurance carriers see those types of infractions as particularly dangerous and likely to cause a vehicle accident that possibly injures others.

One of the more serious citations someone can face is for leaving the scene of an accident. This is known as committing a hit-and-run. Anyone facing a traffic violation can reduce the chances that they are heavily fined or lose their driving privileges by hiring a criminal defense attorney who understands North Carolina’s traffic laws.

Understanding the Court Process

Traffic tickets include a court date, but there are often options for addressing the ticket without having to show up for court. The two options for resolving a case include waiving the ticket, which can be done by mail, online, or in person, or requesting a reduction in the charges or a dismissal. Waiving a ticket means that you are willing to pay the ticket fine and court costs. By waiving the ticket, you are stating that you do not contest the charges.

Legally, waiving means that you accept responsibility for the charges detailed on the ticket and are effectively guilty of committing a traffic infraction. Waiving a ticket can result in increases in your automobile insurance. If you have multiple tickets on your record, your driving privileges could be suspended. In addition, not every ticketable offense is waivable. North Carolina’s courts maintain an online list that details which types of ticket infractions can be waived.

The courts allow some tickets to be reduced when certain steps are taken. These are known as correctable offenses. One example would be a ticket for driving without car insurance. If you had car insurance at the time but failed to have proof of insurance when you were pulled over, a judge may dismiss the ticket once you provide proof of insurance.

Why Do I Need a Traffic Violation Lawyer?

Traffic tickets are issued across the state every day, but this doesn’t mean that the consequences of being found guilty of reckless driving or speeding are not significant. Fines could be large. The long-term costs of higher insurance rates can also be significant. Premiums can increase along with deductibles. In some cases, a judge may even order jail time.

These and other penalties can have a significant impact on your life. Financial hardships are just one serious problem. Multiple tickets or even one serious offense could lead to your license being suspended for a period of time or outright revoked. This can make it difficult to maintain your current job.

The job of an attorney is to argue that you are deserving of leniency. Knowing that you are no longer facing the worst-case scenario can lighten your burden and reduce the stress that you are experiencing. Being accused of committing a traffic violation does not mean that you are guilty. Your traffic ticket attorney can work to get your side of the story across.

What Qualities Should I Look for in a Lawyer?

Not all criminal defense attorneys have experience helping clients fight wrongful traffic tickets. One of the first factors to consider is whether the lawyer has a track record of helping clients who are facing similar legal challenges to yours. If the lawyer or law firm focuses on serious crimes and rarely represents clients like yourself, you may need to look elsewhere for effective legal representation.

Years of experience should be another top consideration. If you find a lawyer who has helped clients with traffic violations, consider how many years they have been in practice. A good traffic ticket lawyer should have both years of experience and a high success rate when it comes to helping clients.

Beyond those practical and important qualities, you may want to consider more personal factors, such as the lawyer’s ability to listen attentively to your questions and concerns. Ask yourself if the attorney appears knowledgeable and honest. They should be willing to tell you the truth even when it isn’t favorable. A traffic ticket attorney should provide clear and objective information.

Another important factor is price. Lawyers who have many years of experience tend to charge more for their services because they have proven their ability to successfully represent clients. Criminal defense attorneys may charge a flat rate or an hourly rate.

Defense Strategies to Fight Traffic Tickets and More Serious Offenses

An experienced criminal defense attorney can consider several proven legal defense strategies. One effective defense against traffic tickets involves challenging the officer’s observations. A lawyer can use evidence to call into question the officer’s observations and assertions. If the officer’s judgments are no longer reliable, the courts may dismiss your ticket.

In other cases, your attorney can question the reliability and accuracy of the speed detection device used in your case. Individual departments must maintain and regularly calibrate these detection devices in order for the courts to consider them reliable sources of evidence. If the equipment is found to be unreliable, the courts may not be able to use that evidence against you.

In some cases, a driver may violate a law out of necessity. One example would be someone swerving in order to avoid an accident. If someone was facing a medical emergency, the courts may also consider that a valid defense. In other cases, the driver could argue that the driving signage was not clear.

Dashcam footage, witness testimony, and other forms of evidence can be used to question the police officer’s statements. Procedural issues could also help your case. Your lawyer could question whether the officer followed the correct procedures and whether all required documentation is in order. Any procedural missteps can be grounds for dismissal.

If you have a clean driving record, your lawyer can use that history to ask the court to reduce the penalties that you are facing or to even have the charges dismissed. Each case is unique. The first step is to find an attorney who is passionate about helping clients reduce the penalties that they are facing.


Q: How Much Does a Traffic Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

A: Lawyers charge clients based on the number of hours needed to research a case and defend a client, as well as the amount of resources the attorney’s office puts into a case. While hiring an attorney requires an investment, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the upfront cost.

A serious moving violation or multiple tickets could result in your driving privileges being suspended or revoked. An attorney may be able to help you avoid these consequences.

Q: Is It Worth Hiring a Lawyer for a Speeding Ticket in North Carolina?

A: It is worth hiring a lawyer in North Carolina if you wish to avoid paying steep fines and possibly losing your driving privileges. Some people choose to waive their right to fight a ticket only to find later on that their driving record leads to higher insurance premiums. Racking up traffic tickets can also increase the severity of penalties if you are pulled over again.

Q: Should I Hire an Attorney for Reckless Driving in North Carolina?

A: You should consider hiring an attorney if you are facing reckless driving charges. Reckless driving charges can come with significant penalties. The courts view these types of offenses as particularly egregious, and the courts may not show leniency if you do not have legal representation. Having a lawyer on your side increases your chances of a positive outcome.

Q: What Happens if I Don’t Pay a Speeding Ticket in North Carolina?

A: If you do not pay a speeding ticket in North Carolina, your driver’s license could be suspended. Failure to pay a ticket or appear in court could result in additional fines and penalties, including late fees. If you have multiple unpaid tickets and fail to show up to court, a judge may consider issuing a bench warrant for your arrest. In order to avoid these problems, it is advised to consult with an attorney about your legal options.

Q: What Is the Ideal Way to Get Out of Paying a Ticket?

A: A skilled attorney can increase your chances of avoiding the need to pay your ticket. If you were wrongfully accused of committing a traffic offense, you can hire an attorney to represent you. They can fight the charges by examining the evidence used by the police officer. In some cases, your lawyer may be able to have the violation reduced to a lower offense. The benefits of having legal representation can be considerable, especially if you are at risk of having your license suspended or revoked.

Schedule Your Consultation with Our Attorney Today

At the Law Offices of Huffman & Kendrick, we understand how stressful it is to deal with a traffic ticket. You may be worried about having to pay steep fines or the prospect of having your driving privileges suspended or revoked.

We have helped many clients in Albemarle resolve their traffic ticket issues on favorable terms, and we can do the same for you. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation with an experienced, talented attorney.

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